January 30, 2016

Things That I Need In My Life : Back to School

Helloo everyone, 
I hope you are all well and if you are going back to school in the next few days - have a moment to savour the last few days of freedom ... 
... But although I always complain about school, it is a blessing that many children don't have access to and children who do have that opportunity to attend school (in developing countries) the are happy and enjoy learning - so it's just something that we need to learn to be more grateful for =^.^= my little inspirational message for today 
I'm not going to lie, since my last blog post I honestly have not been up to much. I have been extremely busy with work, but hopefully in the next few weeks I am able to share some really exciting news with you guys! hint: foooodd. I also stayed the night at Crown with some friends I have known for the longest time and it was so much fun as it is rare for us to all be free for the weekend. 
I have also recently ordered a tonne of things online - but I'm just waiting for them to arrive... but I'll keep you guys "posted" and most likely make a blog post about it and my favourite online shops. 

Spend > Save is my current situation :(((((( 
Although the other day I went back to one of the cutest cafes - Pixel Coffee Brewers and that was a fab experience as per usual! <3 the guy always makes the most beautiful coffee swans, like the foam artwork that is trending at the moment. 

So, I'm doing a mini haul type thing. I hope you guys enjoy these essentials for life and school. And I have actually gotten emails about sponsorships and things like that but for the moment blogging is just a hobby and I'm not going to be full time committed to it as a job - if you know what I mean. Therefore.... everything is my own opinion and I generally like. :))) Ahah I feel like a youtuber making disclaimers... but I think that their job is really cool and it would be something fun to do as work. 

1. Going clockwise starting from the black tube.. 
My MAC BB cream - perfect for use on the daily and it fits my complection perfectly for the moment. When it gets too dark for me it also doubles as a cream contour; which I love. And it doesn't dry your skin out, instead it leaves a natural "skin looking" finish ahah\
The Palmolive hand sanitizer - I've always been big on germs and I am always eating but never have access to a tap. I have started using hand sanitizer more and more these holidays and it's just easy. Plus this one smells really nice
Nivea Moisturising fluid - hate the word fluid but I love using this cream. It has spf inside and one of my new years resolution is to start wearing skin protection everyday to reduce the sun spots on my face. I have tried this product back in my #year seven days and I've just recently come back to it. :) 
Fluffy hair tie from Top Shop - this is really cute to tie your hair up with. It is just a bit of fun and especially useful on natural hair days. 
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water - I am a normal person and I sometimes *forgett to wash of my makeup before bed. I am a culprit of leaving mascara on overnight...In my defence, the "its real by benefit" is a btich to take off. But on the bright side - this cleanser can remove second day panda eyes in a breeze. And it's unscented which is a nice change. Sometimes too many scents going on my face gives me a headache 
Dove roll on deodorant - this is a simple life must have ofc, i prefer using roll on because I heard that it's better for you and the environment. I think this is a true fact but this doesn't leave a stain on your clothes and leaves you freashhh. I can't go to in depth about a deodorant but all you need to know is that you just need it 

2. Left to right 
Mario Badescu Rosewater Spray - this is used by none other than Kylie Jenner but it is surprisingly affordable. It is probably the cheapest, good quality product that you can buy from Mecca. It is $10 so if you are looking in Mecca / Maxima, gather your change and buy this for the sake of purchasing something from the store. It is very refreshing and can be doubled as a setting spray. You can also use this on your hair!! I'm keen to try out the rest of his skin care range too 
L'occitane Hydra Vital Cleansing Gel - I love this shop soooo much. The lady was so cute and had a French accent. I first became a fan of this shop when I was in Switzerland and got a sample of this product. These holidays my skin has been a lot worse than usual because I haven't been taking off my make-up when I do wear it. But the shop in general, is very generous with samples and things like that - and it's not just your regular drug store face cleanser.. It actually works wonders. <333 I really want to upload a skin care routine video because skincare is actually something I'm very passionate about and I love trying new things. I have a weird obsession but I love it!

3. Clockwise 
Stila Stay All Day Foundation - I love this foundation & the lady in mecca who recommended this to me haha <3 She complimented my brows and instantly became bffs. Tbh people who compliment other people's brows are the best people. I went through a phase where I basically despised this foundation and never used it, but I have come back to love it and am confused as to why I stopped using it. It is full coverage (which I love), it is pretty thick though but it is very blendable. The love doesn't stop there! It is $60 but comes with a brush and a concealer in the lid. I use the concealer*SPOLIER* *MY BIG SECRET REVEAL* to highlight around my brows, making them crisp and neat <3 The applicator isn't a pump but it's like a spoon and it's quite effective to use .. I must say. 
Kikki K 2016 Diary - I don't know if you have seen, but Kikki K has the cutest and most adorable youtube channel where it shows you ways to customise your study planner, diary and many cute diy inspirational videos. I just had to try the diary craze bandwagon and try it out for the year. I can admit that I am not the person to get the most use out of a diary but it would be good to get more organised in the new year #newyearnewme #freshstart. I am not one to make resolutions because I never stick to them anyways, so it's a nonresolution resolution to keep organised and write dates down. ^.^ 
Crochet Bathers, Crochet Anything - idk why I put this in here but these bathers are something different. They are from Topshop and were $72 for the set - yay for student discount - and that is good value. They probably aren't your expected sturdy bathers, but I don't usually go in the water (beach or pool) so I might as well get some intricate bathers to wear one, two, three times in the beach season. I am sorry for being one of the only people in Perth who doesn't spend their days at the beach :'( 
Marble iPhone Case - for anyone that knows me, they know how obsessed I am with my phone. I worked my booty off to buy it and it was 100% worth the hours. Since I spent a lot of cash money on my phone, I am all for buying cases off Ebay! (Ebae) Ebay has cases for 99c + free shipping = what's not to love. Although shipping takes ages and buy the time it arrives you would have forgotten what you bought - if it's that cheap then why not?! I love how you can order 5-6 cases at once and for such a cheap price it is affordable to change it up often. The cases are of a 3.5 star quality and they literally sell thousands of different designs. So my phone case looks like it would be worth $20 but it's actually not. I have revealed too many life secrets in the blog post. 

4. Highlighters - and no, not the Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Pallette :( but the first kind of highlighters we knew of. Having heaps of colours is just perfect for writing notes. Those who know me personally know how obsessed I am with notes ahah! I don't actually learn by colour coding (I wish I could) it is more for the fun and motivation of it - without it I would not revise at all, things need to look cute okay

Hope you guys enjoyed this, and to those who actually made it this far I send you a virtual hug <3 :-* I do ramble on, imagine me in a general conversation ahaha... 

And last but not least, a little gallery of #NOEDIT #NOFILTER pics of my life* ( I need to think of what to call this section) Annalysis maybe hahah? name puns 
*but for edited pics, with cute filters, you can follow my instagram
I don't currently have a "theme" for my blog, I really enjoy changing it up from sleek & minimal to more "Tumblr" like this post ahaha. I used to make a tonne of celebrity edits with like backgrounds and icons and stuff, I really miss those days :'(

But anyways, thank you all for reading x your reads actually mean so much to me xoxo
And until next time ;)